There is nothing like her, and definitely nothing like seeing her live. All the information is subject to change, so we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Note that we are not the official website of this event. Crypton called her Hatsune Miku, which translates as 'First sound from the future' and she certainly is a trailblazer, playing concerts worldwide and even opening for Lady Gaga's Art Rave Tour. NHK Hall Doors / Start 12:00 / 13:00 Official Ticket Price JPY 7,500-9,500 Line-up Hatsune Miku, Kodo Venue Location and Hotels There are no upcoming related events. Hatsune Miku Tickets Advanced search: For more personalized options. Confirm Details Home Concert Tickets Other Concerts Hatsune Miku. Prices are set by sellers and may be below or. From there, her popularity boomed, making her much more than a spokesperson. Were the world’s largest secondary marketplace for tickets to live events. Find out more about Hatsune Miku tour dates & tickets 2023-2024.

Presented to audiences since 2009 as a high-tech and awe-inspiring hologram, Hatsune Miku started life as the creation of Crypton Future Media, as the face of a music development software, where users can explore the possibilities of making music with via a synthesized human voice. Als eine der ersten Manga-Figuren mit Stimme wurde sie zum internationalen Superstar und kommt nun fr ein exklusives Deutschlandkonzert nach Berlin. But just what is it about this 16-year-old star with two shining turquoise pigtails and a never-ending wardrobe?
In her native Japan, she has sold a staggering amount of records, been featured in video games, manga, cosplay and holds the distinction of having been sent to space in a rocket, twice. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA ( -Project DIVA-) is a series of rhythm games created by Sega and Crypton Future Media.